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Here's how: Shore up your database primary keys. CREATE TABLE table2 LIKE table1; //create a new table, copying structure from previous INSERT INTO table2 SELECT * FROM table1 ORDER BY name; //Copy the data - the Primary key handles the autoincrements RENAME TABLE table1 TO table1_Backup; //Copy the Old data to a new name as your backup RENAME TABLE table2 TO table1; //Put the new data in place ...

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Contacting Technical Support

By Neil Patterson in Miscellaneous

People frequently ask me which Brand name system I prefer. I typically mention that brand name systems are no more reliable than clones, and that typically the best ...


By Neil Patterson in Miscellaneous

Are you thinking about creating sets of New passwords or personally upgrading your online security? An old locksmith once informed me, "Locks only keep your friends out." This ...


By Neil Patterson in CloudCarePlus

It's not very often that I am concerned about a virus or malware that is out there, however, having seen the damage that can be done, We are ...

CCleaner - Great free Tuneup software

By Neil Patterson in Miscellaneous

CCleaner is the best free tune-up utility available. It removes junk files from windows and many applications, it finds and removes orphans and registry problems. It has an ...

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